Constituency profile

The South East constituency for the European Parliament stretches from Dover to the east, Southampton to the west and Milton Keynes to the north. The counties of the South East region include:  

  • Berkshire  
  • Buckinghamshire  
  • East Sussex  
  • Hampshire  
  • Isle of Wight  
  • Kent  
  • Oxfordshire  
  • Surrey 
  • West Sussex

The South East is the largest and most populous of all the European Parliament constituencies in the UK. The constituency is the second largest regional economy in the UK outside London, generating £317bn (€354bn) this represents 15% of the UK’s GDP.  

The South East is often regarded as a strong economic region within the UK. Key areas of industry:  

  • IT 
  • Pharmaceuticals  
  • Biotech  
  • Healthcare,  
  • High tech engineering 
  • Aerospace  

Constituents in the South East need a maintained place in the European markets to continue with economic prosperity. A ‘no-deal’ Brexit will damage that economic relationship with increased tariffs on business. The South East, being the closest region to the EU, needs trade and travel to continue freely. 17% of UK exports travel through the Port of Dover and Brexit threatens the smooth travel of goods across to Europe. Antony Hook MEP is fighting for your interests in the European Parliament and to Stop Brexit.    


European Commission (2019). South East of England, last updated 8/7/2019.